The My Decks page is available exclusively to Premium subscribers. As part of that page, all the replays you upload will be run through an additional analysis step so you can see how different decks perform for you. You will only see games you play after subscribing to Premium, as we will not have analyzed the games otherwise.
First, make sure your replays are being uploaded by one of our deck trackers and appear on the My Replays page as you play them. If they're not, you might be logged in to your deck tracker with your account.
If your replays are uploading as expected, please ensure that the Hearthstone account you're playing with is correctly linked to your account. You can verify this by visiting your Account Connections and checking the Hearthstone accounts near the end of the page. You should be seeing your battletag in the region you play in. Note that a account near the top of the page is not the same, and you will also need the Hearthstone account to appear below, even if the battletags are same. If an account is missing, please get in touch with us.